
We all have heard of youtube, If you haven’t where the fuck you been under a rock? Anyway youtube is a way for people of all walk of life to speak on certain issues. There is not many people I actually watch on youtube because I feel most of it is bull. (That’s just me) However I have found a user Dollfacebarbie I been following him almost a year now. I will say he is by far the best I seen thus far on youtube. I am a big fan of real and hearing the truth no matter how hard it is. Summer of 2010 was the worst time of my life. I was and still am working hard to achieve a certain goal and at that time I had no one supporting me. One random night I was up late working of course and I seen this video.

Can you imagine the look on my face after seeing this video? I had been searching for something to make me feel better, some inspiration that I am not getting from my family. It’s not too often someone take the time out of their day to comfort other and inspire them. I have seen almost every video that been posted by Dollfacebarbie what make him different then other users, I personally believe he believe in what he is saying because there is so much feeling and conviction behind it. I am sure none of his video are rehearsed or written down before then are shot. Dollfacebarbie thank you for giving me the inspiration to go after what I want in life. Don’t go anywhere the world needs more people like you.  Make sure yall check him out !!!! trut me its in your best interest!


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