Artist Studios

Vicki DaSilva. "Nude Dude Descending the Staircase," (2013) digital photograph20” x 28” framed. Image: Courtesy of the artist.
Hey all you artists out there, I have some awesome news for you. AS | Artists Studios is paving a revolution for artists, as a resource of the strongest non-represented art via NYC & Paris. AS | Artists Studios is a great way to discover emerging art.  Jill Conner, Founder, is an independent curator interested in opening discourse for strong art that has been overlooked: “I like artists who push for change in their work, or who take risks with traditional art-making practices to come up with something new. Many artists from the 1960s and 1970s did exactly that – they made art that was not for sale but instead, to look at. The ideas were pure and independent of art market influence.”

Sam Trioli. "Untitled (Missouri)," (2012) oil on canvas, 9” x 12”. Image: Courtesy of the artist.


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