No Brand Sleeps During Fashion Week: Of Whonder

We love when new and unique brands come alive and stake their place in the fashion industry. Haute-House had a front row hands on look at debut collection from plus size brand Of Whonder. The room was tastefully tailored to fit the color schemes of red, black and white, reminiscent of Valentine’s Day which was around the corner. Founder Carmencita was on hand giving us a idea of the thought process and inspiration behind the brand.
When working in the business world and politics Carmencita dealt with a lack of focus on full figured women when it came to professional but stylish attire. While she had amazing accessories the clothes she wore didn’t speak for her style and personal taste, Carmencita knew she had to come out with her own collection. “Timeless pieces" is the objective. As you can see each piece can be taken into any season.
It’s no wonder this fashion dynasty is taking off in a big way. This is just the first of many collections. The spring collection will be out soon and we will be all over it once again.
For more information and to keep up with the Of Wonder brand go to of whonder and follow Of Whonder on social media.
By Kendra James +Kendra James  @kendrajjames


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