Duncan Quinn
Twitter: @miriamdriot
Instagram: Instalife06
1. What do you love most about your job?
That its not a job. Its the old do something you love and you’ll never work a day of your life.
That and the characters I get to meet and share the experiences of DQ with.
2. If you did not live in New York where would you live and why?
Out of a weathered and well travelled bag. I love to travel, make new friends, experience new things, and live to tell the story.
3. When not working what do you enjoy doing?
I love to read and learn new things. So that’s what I seek out when I find myself with a window of time.
4. What is your best memory from childhood?
Spending time at school with an incorrigible scallywag who to this day makes me cry with laughter at his antics and storytelling. He added some particularly bold color to life.
That and walking on the beaches looking at the peaches in the summer months in Nice, France.
5. What is your favorite holiday destination and why?
A totally unanswerable question as it depends what you are seeking from the trip. Anywhere I can see new things, experience new cultures or share time with dear friends works.
6. Book or e-reader? Why and what are you currently reading?
Both. Books on planes, trains and beaches. E-reader otherwise.
Machiavelli’s The Prince (again), Reamde, and, A Sport And A Passtime.
7. Which social media platform do you use and how did they impact your business?
Recently a lot of Instagram. A picture tells 1000 words after all…
Its fed through FB and twitter as well, and we also send e-mails to our mailing list.
8. What is a true luxury for you today?
To be able to orchestrate the creation of things that give others pleasure.
9. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Why?
Doing something in a way that others are generous enough to lend their support.
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